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namestringThe resource name of the Project, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER PROJECT_IDENTIFIER: the Project's ProjectNumber (recommended) or its ProjectId. Learn more about using project identifiers in Google's AIP 2510 standard. Note that the value for PROJECT_IDENTIFIER in any response body will be the ProjectId.
projectNumberstringOutput only. Immutable. The globally unique, Google-assigned canonical identifier for the Project. Use this identifier when configuring integrations and/or making API calls to Firebase or third-party services.
resourcesobjectThe default resources associated with the Project.
statestringOutput only. The lifecycle state of the Project.
annotationsobjectA set of user-defined annotations for the FirebaseProject. Learn more about annotations in Google's AIP-128 standard. These annotations are intended solely for developers and client-side tools. Firebase services will not mutate this annotations set.
displayNamestringThe user-assigned display name of the Project.
etagstringThis checksum is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and it may be sent with update requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding. Learn more about etag in Google's AIP-154 standard. This etag is strongly validated.
projectIdstringOutput only. Immutable. A user-assigned unique identifier for the Project. This identifier may appear in URLs or names for some Firebase resources associated with the Project, but it should generally be treated as a convenience alias to reference the Project.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTprojectsIdGets the specified FirebaseProject.
listSELECTLists each FirebaseProject accessible to the caller. The elements are returned in no particular order, but they will be a consistent view of the Projects when additional requests are made with a pageToken. This method is eventually consistent with Project mutations, which means newly provisioned Projects and recent modifications to existing Projects might not be reflected in the set of Projects. The list will include only ACTIVE Projects. Use GetFirebaseProject for consistent reads as well as for additional Project details.
patchEXECprojectsIdUpdates the attributes of the specified FirebaseProject. All query parameters are required.
searchAppsEXECprojectsIdLists all available Apps for the specified FirebaseProject. This is a convenience method. Typically, interaction with an App should be done using the platform-specific service, but some tool use-cases require a summary of all known Apps (such as for App selector interfaces).